Wednesday, July 13, 2005



I just talked to a dear friend of mine. I wish I coud say the call was uplifting. It was devasting. He has been married a little longer than I, he was married during the conflict in Iraq. The other night he was telling his wife that he had been in contact with an old fling over the phone, had never seen her in person, even given the opportunity recently. His wife in anger told him of an affair she had during the war while in Iraq after they were married.

Needless to say my friend crushed. I'm touched that he called me to vent, though I wish now I knew more of what to tell him. Instead of fumbling, I passed the ball to a Pastor I know.

Two things I learned from this. Marraige is fragile. Even strong couples can fall, but the aftermath is as delicate as the marriage itself. i thank You for this friend. I pray that he is able to come through this, what ever the course of action may be. I pray for his daughter, that whatever the outcome, she knows and understands the love her father, both earthly and heavenly, has for her, and that through this painful time, the healing process and the Grace of God will allow her to love her parents. More importanly, i pray that You restore their marriage.

I thank You for my wife and family, for her faithfulness to me. For my children with whom I could not live without. I'm thankful for my Parents and the sacrifice they have made for each other through the hard times and trials You have placed in their lives.

I need more of You.

Your Son,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watch for photos and always am excited when there are new ones. It is nice to hear about your life events that you write about also. I feel like we are getting to know you a bit better.
Thanks for doing this.